About me

Full-time husband and cat owner, no-time piano, synths & keyboards working with Research and Development at IDwall. I code Python for web backend and image processing algorithms, also having experience on embedded Linux, kernel development, C, Shell scripting, and free and open-source software projects.

You can check my LinkedIn here.


B.Eng degree in Computer Engineering from State University of Campinas, ranked 1st in Times Higher Education Latin America University Rankings 2017.


I have been involved in industrial X-Ray and Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography image processing research at UNICAMP and the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) as an undergraduate. Our results have been published here.

LNLS publications

The undegraduate research has given me an opportunity to work as an intern at the Brazilian Nanotechnology Light Laboratory (LNNano), where I developed Gwyddion modules to the Laboratory for Surface Science and contributed with a few patches like an Otsu’s threshold implementation and bugfixes like this. I also investigated Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) image artifacts and contributed to technical and scientific publications.

LNNano publications

By the end of my graduation, I was hired as a Software Engineer at Eldorado, working with Computer Vision R&D projects. Furthermore, I was involved in a research about fingerprint biometrics at the Institute of Computing in UNICAMP.

Fingerprint singular point extraction

As soon as I graduated I started working as a Software Engineer at Credit Suisse in São Paulo. Being responsible for integrating middle-office and back-office systems for managing investiment funds, operations and regulations. Currently my software supports hundreds of investment funds, checking for regulatory compliance guidelines.

Later that year, I was working with R&D at Timpel - a medical devices company - developing embedded software for an electrical impedance tomograph which provides real-time images and measurements of pulmonary function.

Nowadays I work with R&D at IDwall - a brazilian startup which offers document validation, background check, and identity verification solutions and services - developing web applications and image processing algorithms.


My main interests are cats, audio and music, science, Linux kernel and embedded development and Image Processing related projects.

  • octave-fingercode is a fingerprint matching algorithm I have implemented in MATLAB and intended to port to Octave.
  • python-fingercode is a Python implementation of the same algorithm in a Jupyter notebook.
  • sublime-ecl is an ECL syntax highlighting plugin for Sublime I developed for the HPCC community.
  • space-invaders-vhdl is a simple hardware description language implementation of Space Invaders.
  • minigl is a small game engine written in Ruby by a friend with whom I contribute.

You can also find programming exercises and presentations in there. Oh, and my alternative Munchkin rules!